πŸ”ŽPublicly Viewable Data

Transactions and transfers on Lnfi are transparent and the data is viewable publicly on Lnfi Explorer.


P2P Marketplace

Funding Records

Funding Records display the historical deposit and withdrawal records of your Lnfi account.

This info is only visible to the Nostr address owner.

Use the filters to see your deposit and withdrawal records.

Token Events

Token Events data are primarily related to asset transfer and management of address books.

You can view Token events across the whole Lnfi Network.

Event TypeRemarks


Transfer from sending address to receiving address


Authorized operator transfer from sending address to receiving address


Switched to Pro Mode


Switched to Normal Mode


Deleted a Nostr address to Address Book


Added a Nostr address to Address Book

You can access Token Events via the Explorer Page.

To view the transfer history of a Nostr Address, paste the Nostr Public address into the search bar, and tap search.

Holding List

You can check the asset holdings of any Nostr Public address via the Holding List page.

Input the Nostr Public address to search and filter according to the type of asset.

P2P Marketplace Order History

You can view all the transactions that happened on P2P Marketplace. Go to Order History on the Marketplace page.

You can search using Nostr Public Address or an Event ID to see the details of a specific transaction.

Last updated